It's juno back with another one today i would like to talk about underrated vs overrated now this is just about artists none of game shit or animations just art. Now why art you ask well it is the most underrated vs overrated thing ever so let's get into it. First we are going with overrated now i fucking hate when there is this artist that is like shit a person that has no talent get's on this website and has 3.5k fans and they have no effort in there art that really pisses me of i'm fucking tired of seeing that bullshit and here is another thing if a overrated artist were to see this and they knew they were overrated they would literaly screenshot this put it on their news post and release it to the public well fuck that bro actullay nah i ain't fucking scared do you think i give a shit no i don't.
now underrated get's the floor. If someone puts effort into art and they have like 30 fans and they create outstanding art they should be frontpaged give them what they want but if they don't seek for fame then i'm ok with that but personally i think they need some more.
Ok now it's the meme artists if a meme artist does lowbudget art and they have like 579 fans I'm ok with that.
So yeah that is just a rant i hope i get your opininions on this thank you very much.