this is a show for the whole friend group now we might make it a art series but just vote on art or animation this will take music animation or art stylling anything you can even join but i will only tell you about the characters and season 1. the seasons this is the jjba version of the whole friend group so yeah season one is me @ItzBlujay @parra86rar @EpicJohn11 and @ysporquix so yeah but it is a group of anarcy if thats how you spell it anyways evil @DJGreenJes now the presidant of the green nation the nation of energy with his stand called record it can stop time if @DJGreenJes says "stop the track" also my stand is just like star platnum now @DJGreens will hire assassins such as @patao445566 @Hankman26 @0DearKruno @ESTADO-BALL @Primchilla @Jeorge-Marques @Backflash456 @0urcast @ElectricSakura and ya know @DJGreenJes 2nd season my charactor dated a woman who had a siter and that sister had a son which was @Benja008 so in the show i am his uncle but also when djgj used stop the track my charactor moved through stoped time and used a super puch but the it was a time flicker it made djgj a baby a one seccond year old lmao and well this season 2 took place after 13 years and that means my charactor is 26 while djgj is 13 so yea and benja is 13 just like djgj also @Noobfromroblox is in the sd team just like @EpicJohn11 anyways season 3 is @Hectorplata2 themed with 3 of my favorite hector plata charactors init and benja thats all
o cast will do anything to kill its target or what he calls it prey
also you become the main villan of season 2 from getting spared and you are the 2nd best villan